Faculty of Geosciences

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Faculty Council

Prof. Dr. Matthias Garschagen (Dean)
Prof. Dr. Claudia Trepmann (Vice-Dean)
Prof. Dr. Marianela Fader
Prof. Dr. Anke Friedrich
Prof. Dr. Yan Lavallée
Prof. Dr. Julia Pongratz
Prof. Dr. Ralf Ludwig (Dean students Geography)
Prof. Dr. Henrike Rau
Prof. Dr. Bettina Reichenbacher
Prof. Dr. Bettina Scheu (Faculty women’s representative)
Prof. Dr. Tobias Hank (representative of the academic staff)
Dr. Ulrich Küppers (representative of the academic staff)
Friederike Brandthaus (representative of the non-academic staff)
Constantin Schuh (elected student representative Geography)
Moritz Angleitner (elected student representative Geosciences)

Bavarian Elite Promotion program

Prof. Dr. Peter Gille: liaison professor
Prof. Dr. Bettina Reichenbacher: liaison professor

Financial Assistance for gifted students

Prof. Dr. Otfried Baume: examiner for geography
Prof. Dr. Ernst Hegner: examiner for geosciences

Council for International Affairs

Dr. Peter Hasdenteufel

Library committee

Prof. Dr. Anke Friedrich (chair)
Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Bunge
Prof. Dr. Gordon Winder
Prof. Dr. Gert Wörheide
PD Dr. Monika Popp
Akad. Oberrätin Dr. Roswitha Stolz
Dr. Stefanie Rieger

Munich teacher education center of the LMU

Akad. Oberrat Thomas Meyer (geography education)
Prof. Dr. Gordon Winder (Dean students of the geographical disciplines)

University committees for lecture series

Prof. Dr. Anke Friedrich

Conference of the Centre 'Seniorenstudium'

Prof. Dr. Wolfram Mauser
Replacement: Prof. Dr. Ernst Hegner

Tutor for the Faculty

Prof. Dr. Jürgen Schmude

Commissioner for Sustainability

Prof. Dr. Lukas Lehnert

WEB-coordinator for the faculty

Prof. Dr. Bettina Reichenbacher